MyoFacial Health of Charleston
MyoFacial Health of Charleston
Your life is our life
  • Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders

    Airway Focused Treatment

    Individualized treatment to help improve your quality of life.

How It Works

Your first visit will be an evaluation and examination of your mouth, throat, and airway. You can expect about a 90 minute exam which will include photographs, video of swallowing, an explanation of your conditions, and a brief description of your treatment plan. We will also discuss the cost of your treatment. Most follow up therapy sessions will be conducted via video telehealth to help you better facilitate your care in your own home/office. 

Generally you should expect therapy sessions to last 25-30 minutes every 2 weeks for 6-12 months. You will be expected to do physical therapy types of exercises for a several minutes every day during treatment to achieve excellent results.

Costs: During your initial consultation you will receive a quote for complete therapy (based on an estimated number of sessions). You can pay for your therapy as one lump sum or spread the cost into monthly payments.  (Dental and medical insurance usually do NOT help with the costs associated with myofunctional therapy, however we do accept funds from FSA and HSA accounts). The cost of the consultation is not included in the cost of the therapy.

Goals: There are four goals of myofunctional therapy together:

Nasal breathing day & night

Tongue on the roof of mouth day & night

Lips closed together day & night

Proper chewing & swallowing

Other Providers: often times myofunctional therapy is a team approach to your underlying challenges, we will often work with other health care providers to accomplish your goals. Other providers may include dentists, orthodontists, oral surgeons, ENT physician, sleep specialists, and nutritionists depending upon your specific needs

Angela Holston, RDH, OMT 843-568-0747